How to Write Bold Blue Text on Facebook

Fo this trick we are just using two method, Means first for bold text we are using Bold text generator and for make blue text we are using hash tag system, As you know Hash tag converting your anchor text into links of Facebook community or Facebook search result, Its very interesting, You can use it for make blue text so let’s follow 

Step 1

Write the following line in your status update:
@@[1:[0:1: write here ]]

Step 2

Replace the write here text with any text you wish to become blue.
You can add more text before or after the code, to make this look even cooler.

Step 3

Post the Facebook status :)
Blue Facebook status update
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About Unknown

This is a short description in the author block about the author. You edit it by entering text in the "Biographical Info" field in the user admin panel.
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